Victorian Election 2018 Edition
July 12, 2018 Forum - Federation Hall
Key players throughout the music education field gathered at the forum to discuss where we are at now, where to from here, and to celebrate leadership change. |
We heard an overview of achievements from the last 4 years from Retired Chair, Catherine Lyons, an oration from Prof. Gary McPherson, and split into conversation groups. |
Over the last 4.5 years, sMAG has submitted to 15 Reviews, contributed to 12 Campaigns, attended various meetings at various auspices and government, and participated in the Music Education Expert Reference Group - MEERG. There are up to 8 – 10 different regulator bodies that oversee education: DET, Federal and State Government, VITs, VCAA, VRQA, VAGO, IBAC, Youth Justice system and others in early years. |
sMAG Submissions to Reviews & Final Report Responses:
- 2014 Federal Review into the Australian Curriculum
- 2014 Federal Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Groups (TEMAG) Consultation
- 2015 Submission AITSL “Classroom Ready: Demonstrating the Impact on Student Learning of Initial Teacher Education Programs” – Survey
- 2015 Submission to the Victorian State Schools Funding Review
- Submission to the Victoria Government Vision for the Education State: Early Childhood Consultation Paper
- 2015 Position Paper - Victorian Secondary Instrumental Music Program for the MEERG
- Submission to the Program for Students with Disabilities Review
- 2015 Submission to the VET Funding Review
Submission to the VIT Permission To Teach Review 2015
- 2016 Victorian Early Years Learning And Development Framework
- 2016 Review of The Program for Students With Disabilities
- 2016 “Working Together to Shape Teacher Education in Victoria”
- 2017 Victorian Submission into Youth Detention
- 2017 Submission to the Legal and Social Issues Committee of the 58th Parliament of Victoria
2018 Victorian Budget Submissions
sMAG Campaigns:
- 2013 Election campaign; social media and letter writing to all candidates
- Supported the 2014 Music Trust ‘Full Deal’ Campaign
- Campaign to both Liberal and Labor parties to adopt the 17 Recs in early 2014
- 2015 Amuse Sounds Great Conference Forum
- 2016 AEU Collaborative campaign: VIT PTT
- 2016 Federal Election Campaign
- 2016 SIMP Funding Model
- 2016 Victorian Budget
- 2017 Music Australia Delegation to Federal Parliament Campaign
- 2018 Regional Forum – Geelong
- 2018 Victorian Budget
- 2018 VCAA Letter writing campaign
- 2018 Election Campaign launch – July.
The Music Education Expert Reference Group - MEERG:
Over the life of the MEERG several members of the sMAG committee contributed by attending the meetings and joining the conversations. We have seen many new initiatives put in place by the Victorian Andrews’ government and DET. Many of the initiatives have been wholly completed by substantive Music education bodies and associated industry partners. Some include:
- Music PD at the Bastow – free to the public
- Vic government Music in Schools vision (2015-2018)
- Instrumental Music Grants ($400,000); a total of 87 primary schools (metropolitan and rural/regional) were allocated up to $5,000 and purchased over 2,000 music related resources, including musical instruments, music books, and accessories.
- Delivery of Musical Futures Australia Programs ($1.6m); 1,118 teachers from 700 government and non-government schools, and 874 pre-service teachers have participated in MFA professional learning programs (August 2015 to 30 April 2018). 43% of schools (300) are located in regional areas.
- National Music Teacher Mentoring Program 2018 Seven teachers are mentoring 15 teachers across participating schools including one new mentor based in Warrnambool.
- Quality Music Education Framework (QMEF) The QMEF is now available on the DET website: es/QMEF.aspx
- Strategic Partnerships Program
During the life of the MEERG, sMAG representatives have put forward significant discussion to DET around the SIMP. The high value of the program was highlighted, data and evidence on delivery and outcomes, as well as a proposed Strategic Leadership Architecture to see the program grow and thrive.
At this point, little if any progress has been made towards improving SIMP delivery, nor resolving complex industrial dispute matters. As such, a significant portion of future work, and election campaigns need to keep the SIMP as a key focus. Any teachers delivering the SIMP and have concerns around their employment conditions are advised to seek support from the AEU. |
The Victorian Election - Music Education Charter is now published on Please log on and sign so we can get thousands of signatures to bring the campaign to all election candidates. |
With around 90 days before the State election, we need people to sign the petition: A healthy 4 years of growth, needs another 4 years to solidify Music in EVERY school. The Charter looks to the 17 recommendations for direction. sMAG has analysed what has been achieved over the last 4 years, discussed at the forum and now presents what needs to happen in a new Victorian Government Term. No matter who wins the election, we need to build on the last 4 years to see continuous growth.
Press 'like' and 'share' on all platforms, and see our campaign grow!
Forum Footage - July 12, 2018 |
Retired Chair, Catherine Lyons, opens the forum, and Prof Gary McPherson provides part 1 of his speech. |
CANDIDATE LETTER WRITING Every candidate in your electorate will need a personalised letter Find the addresses and candidates on the Victorian Electoral Commission Website. Use the tempalte below, and personalise your letter. |
TO YOUR LOCAL CANDIDATE Your Name Your Address Your Phone and Email
The Candidate name Their address Their phone or email if known
Dear (insert name),
I would like to express my appreciation of the work involved, and the subsequent report and recommendations following the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Extent, Benefits and Potential of Music Education in Victoria. I was also very pleased around the work accomplished by DET, the 2014 – 2018 Victorian Andrews Government and the DET Music Education Expert Reference Group to date, and request/implore any newly elected Victorian government continue the work as outlined on
In writing to you I am seeking your commitment to ensuring the implementation of the Music Education Inquiry recommendations continue, should you be elected as member of the Victorian parliament on Saturday November 24, 2018. For the next term of government that support means:
- Any newly elected government deliver on the clear aspiration of the last Parliament that music learning is an ‘integral part of every child’s education’ and is delivered by an expertly trained teacher - this means the teacher has a specialist degree in Music Education.
- Ensure that the newly elected government commits to the development and implementation of a strategic plan that provides a sustainable basis for music education in Victorian schools built upon P - 8 classroom (whole-of-class) delivery and Secondary Instrumental Music Program (SIMP). Whole of class provides a foundational understanding according to the curriculum. SIMP provides specific instrumental education towards VET/VCAL/VCE outcome requirements.
- Call on the government to appoint a music education specialist as director in an ongoing capacity the DET Music Education Team and Working Party that oversees the implementation of the Inquiry recommendations thereby acknowledging the high priority of this initiative in the eyes of an Victorian public.
- Include as policy accountability structures for principals and schools under these teams, as this measure provides more surety of delivery and
recognition of the high priority of this initiative, particularly in the implementation of the Secondary Instrumental Music Program (SIMP).
- Provide sufficient funding and resources for principals and schools to provide music education to all their students
- Support the many students who currently miss out on whole of class (Primary) and SIMP (Secondary) music education get the education and opportunities they deserve by advocating that sufficient funding and resources for principals and schools are provides so that quality music education be made available to all students in all schools
- Work in partnership with the Commonwealth government, according to the recommendations coming from the Review of
the Australian curriculum, as it seeks to introduce compulsory music education into all schools across Australia.
[Insert briefly why you consider music to be important, what is happening in your local area and, if you are a parent say that it is your expectation that music education be part of your child’s learning while at school]
With significant progress made against the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Extent, Benefits and Potential of Music Education in Victoria 17 recommendations, during the Andrews' government term, it is time to build further to ensure all recommendations are fulfilled, particularly Recommendations 13 -17. While investment into the SIMP is high, the funding only provides for 17% of students. We need to aim for at least 70% in the next term of government, and then 100% in any succeeding government. it is now time that action is taken to provide breadth, depth and quality so that all students attending Victorian state schools have the opportunity to learn and engage with music. You will see that many have signed the petition on and agree that we need more to be done to reach every child with an expert music education:
I wish you well in the upcoming campaign and trust that you and your party will make a comprehensive and unambiguous statement in support of music education on behalf of the children and parents of Victoria in the weeks and days ahead.
Kind Regards/Yours sincerely, |
After 4.5 years as Chair of sMAG, Catherine handed over the baton to Mrs. Fiona Phillips and Ms. Susan Buchan. Mr. Carl Williams was inducted as Vice Chair as Sarina Iacono's retirement was also celebrated. Thanks were sincerely shared particularly to the long serving committee members. The work sMAG completes is all voluntary. All members of the team have gone above and beyond the call of duty. We are all indebted to the sMAG teams and thank each and every person for their tireless service. We are all indebted to the inaugural Chair, Dr. Anne Lierse.
MESSAGE FROM CATHERINE: I wish to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who has supported and contributed to our vision that every child in Victorian schools has access to a quality music education that is taught by professionally trained teachers. This is in-line with the recommendations from the National Review of Music Education (2005) which was the catalysis for the Victorian Music Workshop (2007) and the subsequent formation of sMAG which then led to the Inquiry into the Extent, Benefits and Potential of Music Education in public Schools 2013. Over the last 4.5 years we have seen great inroads made towards achieving this vision. However, we are not there yet. sMAG must not rest until 100% of Victorian public school students have access to a quality Music Education. It has been my sincere pleasure to lead the Music Education community in efforts across sectors to improve outcomes for the Victorian State. I look forward to liaising with the new Co-Chairs, and Vice Chair as needed to see a successful election campaign, and an ongoing upward trajectory of growth in the sector.
sMAG is supported by our Ambassadors for the School Music Action Group Professor Brian Caldwell The Honourable Barry Jones AC FAA FACE FAHA FASSA FTSE Mr Jonathon Welch AO and Mr. Bob Spencer - The Angels.
sMAG has been supported by the following organisations: Association of Music Educators The University of Melbourne Melbourne Symphony Orchestra The Music Council of Australia Victorian Opera Australian Council of Educators Victorian Music Teachers Association Music Matters Association of Directors of Music in independent schools.
sMAG also has the endorsement of the following organisations: Australian Music Association Australian Society for Music Education (Victorian Chapter) Australian String Association (Victorian Chapter) The Kodály Music Education Institute of Australia (Victorian Branch) Musica Viva in Schools Musical Futures The Soundhouse Music Alliance The Music Trust The Song Room Victorian Orff Schulwerk Association
No finances are garnished from any organisation, and no conflict of interest can be claimed. sMAG operates with an even hand, and remains un-financial in order to be an impartial representative of all voices in the field. |
Catherine and Sarina will be available for consultation. Catherine will continue to assist with social media. |
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