Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Meetings, Celebrations and Bastow Seminar

Following discussions with sMAG patron Dr. Barry Jones AO, http://www.abc.net.au/einsteinfactor/txt/s2502202.htm  Dr. Jones was able to secure two meetings with Labor ministers for us.  Last week sMAG Co-chairs met with James Merlino MP - Minister for Education http://www.jamesmerlino.com.au/ , and  his policy writer, Beth Poulter at Parliament House.  Yesterday we met with Jennifer Kanis MP – Member for Melbourne http://www.jenniferkanis.com.au/ .
Both were intently interested in sMAG's position on the Music Education reform agenda.  Questions were forthcoming, and clarifying points made.  We were pleased to hear James closing statement that Labor wants to ‘do something in this space’.


Today (Sept 24) our former and founding chair, Dr. Anne Lierse will be awarded a Fellowship into ASME for her valuable and long-standing contributions to Music Education. We will join her after the ASME AGM at The Stillwell Room, University of Melbourne. 

Twilight Seminar Series at The Bastow

Following the Inquiry into Music Education the Bastow Institute will host the first in a series of Twilight Seminars: http://www.bastow.vic.edu.au/leadership-courses/Pages/Events-and-Short-Courses.aspx Professor Gary McPherson will be the key note speaker - "Realising the Potential of Music Education". To book click here: https://register.eventarc.com/26056/realising-the-potential-of-music-education.

sMAG then cordially invites attendees to gather at The Leveson www.theleveson.com  46 Leveson Street
 North Melbourne VIC 3051

This pub is a short drive from The Bastow Institute. We will be in the front room, and all drinks/meals at bar prices.  All welcome.

aMuse will honour many of our sMAG members both past and present through the inaugural aMuse Music Education Hall of Fame for their influence on the music education landscape in Victoria: Richard Gill OAM, Ian Harvey, Deborah Smith, and Prof. Robin Stevens.  Other music professionals to be honored will be Peter Lee, Lorraine Milne and Katie Wardrobe. Presentations will occur at the aMuse Spring Colloquium, Metropole Hotel, October 20 at 6 pm.  http://www.metropole.org/location.htm

44 Brunswick St,   Fitzroy, Victoria

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