The sMAG committee welcomes the commitment of $1M to further music education. We thank Hon. James Merlino and the Victorian government for the commitment, and look forward to the delivery.

In the meantime, here is the published information. You will see that outside of Maths, Science and Literacy, Swimming, Leadership development and MUSIC are the main subject winners in the 2018/19 Budget. I have emailed the Minister to request a break down on how the resources will be distributed.…/giving-every-child-chance-s…
Giving every child the chance to succeed
The Victorian Budget 2018/19 provides more support to keep kids in school and learning the skills they need for the future, including:
• $43.8 million to cut the number of students dropping out of school with the statewide rollout of the Navigator program
• $32.9 million to fund 200 additional Primary Maths and Science Specialists
• $22.1 million for workshops and teaching tools to improve literacy and numeracy teaching
• $11.3 million continuing to fund the Young Leaders to China Program
• $9.8 million to contribute to the cost of swimming and water safety education programs
• $4.4 million to ensure schools have the
very best principals, through a new program to prepare and assess those aspiring to
be principals
very best principals, through a new program to prepare and assess those aspiring to
be principals
• $1 million for schools to purchase musical instruments and music professional development
Second document - see page 52
Music in schools
Music in schools
Funding will be provided to government schools to purchase music-related resources such as musical instruments. Funding will also be provided to deliver teacher training and professional learning in music education and assist schools to develop music programs.
This initiative contributes to the Department of Education and Training’s:
School Education – Primary output; and
School Education – Secondary output.
Tributes – NEVR Youth Concert 2018
The Education Minister’s assistant has clarified specifics
for sMAG:
$1 million announced in the 2018-19 budget builds on the Music in Schools
initiative commenced in 2015.
Of this funding:
- $600,000 will be provided to
government schools to purchase music-related resources such as
musical instruments.
- $400,000 will continue
the delivery of teacher training and professional
learning in music education, so that schools can develop quality
music programs for their students. “
In building the
Education State James Merlino turned
the first Sod for the new community music education hub at Upwey High last
week: Clearly, building sound proofed, and
purpose build music spaces provides for harmonious staff relationships in eh
long term. You will see in the link that
acoustic panels and a theatre space is build into the design.
hooo!!! Significant investment, means significant
growth. We can all move with confidence
to invest into a sector that is growing.
It is vital that all music associations, professionals and industry ride
this wave and maximize output at this time to see transformational change for
the whole state.
Date: Thursday July 12
Time: 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
VENUE: Federation Hall - VCA: 234 St Kilda Road,
Southbank, Melbourne
FOCUS: Victorian Music
Education Charter
Music teachers, SIMP providers, Tertiary lecturers, Music Industry professionals, Performing Musicians and all those interested in Music education are invited to the July Forum.
Speaker: Prof. Gary Macpherson
sMAG Chair: Catherine Lyons
The forum will review the proposed Victorian Music Education Charter for everyone to put to all political candidates. For ease of distribution, the agreed final Charter will be loaded onto and then people asked to sign. Individuals may then use the volume of signatures as a basis for writing to all election candidates in your own electorate.
Music teachers, SIMP providers, Tertiary lecturers, Music Industry professionals, Performing Musicians and all those interested in Music education are invited to the July Forum.
Speaker: Prof. Gary Macpherson
sMAG Chair: Catherine Lyons
The forum will review the proposed Victorian Music Education Charter for everyone to put to all political candidates. For ease of distribution, the agreed final Charter will be loaded onto and then people asked to sign. Individuals may then use the volume of signatures as a basis for writing to all election candidates in your own electorate.
hand over of leadership will occur at this event, where reflections over the
last 3 years will occur and Fiona Phillips and Sue Buchan will be welcomed as
new Co-Chairs of sMAG.
Vic has written to the new CEO of the VIT, introducing ourselves, our work and
the most recent history around the Permission To Teach policy. We look forward to a response.
Should anyone have concerns with any SIMP
position employment conditions, we advise you bring the conversation to the
attention of Erin Aulich at the AEU: It is vital that those faced with pay and
status issues, bring their case to the attention of the AEU.
Quality Music Education Framework
The Quality Music Education Framework is published!! Please see the link to the framework below. The document is dense, and you have to hyperlink it with other documents that DET provides to support professional practice. The Framework provides specific advise to school leaders around policy and investment to support new and thriving Music Education programs, as well as support to the Music Specialist Teacher developing new programs. Extremely valuable to all building successful Music Departments.
The Quality Music Education Framework is published!! Please see the link to the framework below. The document is dense, and you have to hyperlink it with other documents that DET provides to support professional practice. The Framework provides specific advise to school leaders around policy and investment to support new and thriving Music Education programs, as well as support to the Music Specialist Teacher developing new programs. Extremely valuable to all building successful Music Departments.
and supporting one another on Facebook provides for rich sharing at times. Please join the group, and join the
DET North Eastern VIC Region presents
Tributes – NEVR Youth Concert 2018
22 May 2018 | Hamer Hall