Thursday, February 12, 2015

TEMAG: Report released today!

The Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group Report was released on 13 February 2015:  The report “Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers Report”  can be read online at this address.
The Report focuses on changes to initial teacher education that are practical and achievable. The proposed reforms centre on five themes:
    Stronger quality assurance of teacher education courses
    Rigorous selection for entry to teacher education courses
    Improved and structured practical experience for teacher education students
    Robust assessment of graduates to ensure classroom readiness
    National research and workforce planning capabilities

The Advisory Group’s 38 recommendations seek to achieve improvements in both the content and delivery of initial teacher education courses in Australia.

Many throughout the music sector made submissions, including sMAG, which can be viewed online:

The report has some implications for music education, especially 

·       Recommendation 18
Higher education providers equip all primary pre-service teachers with at least one subject specialisation, prioritising science, mathematics or a language. Providers publish specialisations available and numbers of graduates from these programs.

sMAG will review the report and consider the implications at our committee meetings.